A UCSF/UC Berkeley Joint DeCal



Spring 2010

Location: 2040 VLSB

Time: Wed. 5:00-7:00P

CCN (Lower Div): 57889

CCN (Upper Div): 59176


Welcome to PreMed 101, UC Berkeley's premiere premedical decal. PreMed 101 is a course designed and operated by a group of UCSF & UC Berkeley students with one goal: to offer those who intend to pursue a life as a medical professional a taste of that life and to arm them with the information necessary for success at the undergraduate level.

PreMed 101 was founded in the Fall of 2003 by several students who felt that UC Berkeley premed students , for various reasons, were severely disadvantaged in the medical school application process. Furthermore, they were concerned that many students had unrealistic expectations about careers in healthcare.

Now into its 13th semester, PreMed 101 has become a collaborative effort between UCSF & UC Berkeley students. Over the years, PreMed 101 has not only offered premeds the information they need to succeed, but has also secured for its students shadowing opportunities with physicians, jobs in emergency rooms, and even basic science research positions at Lawrence Berkeley Labs.



PreMed Links

These links have been selected as popular resources for premedical students, but are not affiliated with the class in any way.

UC Berkeley Career Center
The Career Center offers a wide array of resources for PreMed students including GPA/MCAT statistics of past Berkeley students, academic career timelines and guidelines, and tips on searching for research positions and asking for letters of recommendation. Two necessary services that the Career Center offers for any potential medical school applicant is the Personal Statement Critique Service and the Letter Service.

Association of American Medical Colleges
Through the AAMC, students can register for the MCAT, check MCAT scores, view nationwide statistics on medical school applicants segregated into a number of different categories, and also open an AMCAS (American Medical College Application Service) application when they are ready to apply.

Student Doctor Network
The Student Doctor Network (aka studentdoctor.net, SDN) is an online forum that covers a multitude of medical practitioners at all career levels ranging from pre-dentistry students to attending surgeons. You can simply post a question to be answered or search the forums for information that you never knew you needed to know.

MD Applicants
Basically, Facebook for medical school applicants. The difference is that while no names are listed, GPA, MCAT scores, extracurricular activities, and schools-applied-to are displayed for your reference. By comparing one's own statistics with another's, this site can be useful for gauging where one might consider applying. However, because this is not a simple random sample, take the information with a grain of salt and keep in mind that the people who tend to post their scores for the world to see usually have above average scores and are not an accurate reflection of the general population.